State Rep. Mike Hoadley today expressed his pleasure at what is effectively the end of the current term in the Michigan House.
After a tumultuous 72 hours which featured an ongoing boycott by Republican members, a call of the House by Democrat leadership which dispatched House Sergeants to locate and escort members back to Lansing, and several members of the Democrat caucus refusing to attend session, House Democrats motioned for an adjournment until Tuesday, Dec. 31 – which effectively leaves zero days remaining in the term to pass a litany of controversial bills.
“This real-time implosion of the House Democrat agenda left me surprised, but thankful that the onslaught of bills that went after Second Amendment rights, gave driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants, raised fees for those who fish and hunt, and others were not passed,” Hoadley said. “I am relieved and grateful that this situation has been resolved. Now, House Republicans must gear up to fix the problems in our state that Democrats refused to address.”
Last week, House Republicans walked off the House floor in protest of Democrat leadership’s refusal to address a looming disaster facing Michigan businesses and employees who rely on tip wages. This crisis stems from a Michigan Supreme Court ruling earlier this year, which many viewed as the court legislating from the bench. Drastic changes to minimum wage laws, the tip wage credit for servers, and mandatory paid sick time will take effect in February if urgent legislative action is not taken.
A bipartisan plan in the House would have worked to fix the short-sighted Supreme Court decision by striking a careful and needed balance going forward by fostering economic growth and protecting workers.
The bills were not taken up, despite dire warnings from small business owners. One survey disclosed that roughly two-thirds of local job providers would have to lay off staff, and 20% would be forced to shut down altogether. In addition, 90% said that in order to try and make ends meet, they would have to raise prices on consumers who go out to support businesses in their communities.
House Democrats were unable to gather the 56 required members for quorum yesterday and again today to vote on their agenda, despite having a majority. With the House adjourned, time has all but run out on the Democrat trifecta’s regime.

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