Legislator recognized for work to combat shortage of Michigan school counselors
State Rep. Bronna Kahle (R-Adrian) has been named legislator of the year by the Michigan Association of School Social Workers (MASSW). The group celebrated her efforts to improve access to school counselors and mental health services for Michigan students.
The MASSW is dedicated to the advocacy and support of school social work services and the betterment of Michigan students, their mental health, quality of life, and futures.
“It’s an honor to be recognized by a group that understands just how important the mental health of our students is, especially as they continue to recover from educational, social and emotional setbacks of isolation during the pandemic,” Kahle said. “So many kids are hurting and need help in the form of mental health services. School social workers are getting it done.”
Kahle, who chairs the House Health Policy Committee, introduced and advocated for legislation establishing the Student Mental Health Apprenticeship Retention and Training grant program. The plan signed into law earlier this year combats the significant shortage of counselors and social workers in Michigan schools.
“We are immensely appreciative of Rep. Kahle’s support for the mental health of Michigan’s students,” said Kathy Weaver, MASSW president. “Rep. Kahle’s involvement in the creation of the SMART Public Act goes a long way to securing the future school mental health workforce.”
The new law encourages more professionals to stay in Michigan by offering tuition reimbursement to newly certified school counselors who accept positions in the district where they worked while earning their certifications.
Kahle continues to support legislation to improve the lives of children and families as she nears the end of her term as state representative for Lenawee County residents.

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