I voted NO on HB 4842 (Rep Price) a bill to eliminate the 5-year requirement for the state to pay back their creditors. I voted NO because we were not given enough time to consider the changes to the bill that were made last minute.
HB 4842 PASSED 83-22
I voted NO on HB 5392 (Rep Lightner) a bill to extend the sunset for courts to collect court costs. I voted NO because the democrats tied barred this bill to the Trial Court Funding Act which means even if this passed it wouldn’t go into effect unless HB 5534 passed as well.
HB 5392 PASSED 99-6
I voted NO on HB 5534 (Rep Breen) a bill to pull all court costs from across the state into one pot and then have the state distribute the money as they see fit. I voted against this bill because this would take from the communities that do a good job of collecting their court costs to pay for counties that don’t do a good job of collecting those costs.
HB 5534 PASSED 58-47

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